Starring Janhvi Kapoor in the titular role, this biographical film, Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl is inspired by the life of Indian Air Force pilot, Gunjan Saxena — the first Indian female air-force pilot in combat, and the first and only woman to be part of the Kargil War in 1999. Directed by Sharan Sharma, the film stars Pankaj Tripathi and Angad Bedi in supporting roles as Gunjan's father and brother respectively. The films shows Gunjan's journey of realizing her dream of becoming a pilot and upon reaching the IAF flying base, how she beats patriarchal mindset, deals with gender bias, proves her physical strength and tales a test at every step. The music of the film is quite a package and there's a song for every situation. Even as the film looks a bit rushed at times, there's rarely a dull moment in this inspiring tale. Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl will stream on Netflix starting August 12.
Starring Janhvi Kapoor in the titular role, this biographical film, Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl is inspired by the life of Indian Air Force pilot, Gunjan Saxena — the first Indian female air-force pilot in combat, and the first and only woman to be part of the Kargil War in 1999. Directed by Sharan Sharma, the film stars Pankaj Tripathi and Angad Bedi in supporting roles as Gunjan's father and brother respectively. The films shows Gunjan's journey of realizing her dream of becoming a pilot and upon reaching the IAF flying base, how she beats patriarchal mindset, deals with gender bias, proves her physical strength and tales a test at every step. The music of the film is quite a package and there's a song for every situation. Even as the film looks a bit rushed at times, there's rarely a dull moment in this inspiring tale. Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl will stream on Netflix starting August 12.